The State of Delaware (State) retained MGT of America Consulting, LLC (MGT) to conduct an availability and disparity study to determine if there are any disparities between the utilization of minority owned businesses (MBE), women owned businesses (WBE), veteran owned businesses (VOBE), service-disabled veteran owned businesses (SDVOBE), and individuals with disabilities owned businesses (IWDBE) compared to the availability of these firms in the State’s marketplace who are ready, willing, and able to perform work. MGT analyzed data for July 1, 2015 (FY16) through June 30, 2020 (FY20) for Construction, Construction-related services (such as architecture, engineering, etc.), Goods, and Services (Including professional services).
The Study analyzed whether a disparity exists between the number of available MBEs, WBEs, VOBEs, SDVOBEs, and IWDBEs providing goods or services in the above business categories (availability) and the number who are contracting with the State as a prime contractor or subcontractor (utilization).
Source: Executive Summary, 2022 Disparity Study, State of Delaware, p 1